
Will you come along?

It's easier when no place feels like home.


I can't

find you. And that's awesome.


I'm yours tonight

Hay gente que es realmente mas pelotuda que lo normal.
Yo a veces no puedo creerlo, en serio, pero lo único que me causa es intriga..
Lo bueno de todo esto es que traje cosas viejas a mi mente para terminar de "procesarlas", cerrarlas y guardarlas en el archivo de cosas resueltas. (Cabeza, cuaderno o computadora, a estas alturas es lo mismo). Aunque no sean cosas buenas, y para resolverlas tenga que sacar lo peor de mi, pero bueno, todo forma parte de lo mismo.
Entre otras cosas volví a replantearme mi futuro, qué voy a hacer, DÓNDE, cómo y cuándo. Pero bueno, tiempo al tiempo... Y creo que la respuesta más acertada la voy a tener en las vacaciones de verano, cuando tenga mucho, mucho tiempo libre, tiempo con mi papá, y tiempo conmigo misma.
Así que bueno, acá estamos y vemos que hacemos (?)

I took a shot and didn't even come close, at trust and love and hope.


New Perspective

Game Over.

Puedes jugar bien y perder la partida.


Sentimientos en un choque en cadena, y luego, introducidos en una licuadora a máxima potencia.


I wanted something to believe
Instead I got something to forget

she left and you came to me.

winter has arrived
and while its freezing my head off
i try to run in the summer rain

the broken mirror has put together our dreams
now we can follow them by catching dried leaves
and putting them to sleep

we wont stop crashing trees on whales
we wont stop dancing our thoughts to sleep



Shaking. Sweating.

Zero killed.


Coz it makes me happy.

" i guess there;s no way i can prove it to you. but i haven't changed .
the only thing that changes is what i project to the world, but if you really know me, that should be of no relevance to you.
i really appreciate your letter; honestly. it means the world to me...
but how does the feather feel when the flying elephant writes her to say she's his reason for living?
you will always be great. and i will not always be there. but i'm glad we at least intersected... "

" i didn't see the last email!? i'm sorry :( i get so many.
we always change i guess. but if we stay true at our core -- to our families and our friends-- then i guess we're ok?
gabe "

*insert here the two replies from vicky-t* (The first one was something like "you can always send letters/gifts to our management" and the other one was like "what do you want me to say? I always delete @replies anyway, but, ...hi!?")

keltiecolleen@couun word!


I can't prove this makes any sense...

Otra vez tenía la preocupación de por qué no podía escribir (ni canciones, ni en el blog, nada).
Me sentía (y me sigo sintiendo) tan entendida por las bandas, que una parte de mi no necesitaba escribir para entender a mi otra parte. Aunque esa otra parte extrañaba que la otra parte escriba, porque es así. Soy así. (I can't prove this makes any sense but I sure hope that it does).
Pero ayer cambió un poco. No podía dormir (as usual), y en vez de venir a la compu, o ver la tele, o leer, decidí ponerme a pensar. Así que me quedé acostada con todo apagado como una hora o más, y THERE. No fue exactamente como quería, I mean, empecé a escribir tres canciones, pero no pude terminar ninguna, igual creo que van bien encaminadas.
Lo que pasa es que me resulta difícil escribir si no tengo la guitarra, aunque muchas veces no compongo las canciones (porque para ser realista, la mayoría de las veces que intento componer fuckeo MAL las canciones). Pero de una forma u otra me ayuda, no sé, capaz que cuando vuelva con la guitarra puedo arreglarlas y terminarlas, o aunque sea una.
Igual me gustaría que sea como antes, que venía como si nada y me salía una canción, ohh, como extrañooo.

En otros acontecimientos, estoy aislada desde el mundo desde el Martes. No salí ni al patio. Así que cuando salga seguro la luz del sol me lastima los ojos (?). Aunque dudo que haya sol, porque por lo que me cuentan, está nublado.

También voy a decir que ahora no porque no tengo ganas, pero la próxima vez que me conecte (seguramente) pongo el blog como privado.



Is this coincidence or a sign?

Gracias Gabriel, en serio, no tengo palabras para decirte.

i guess there;s no way i can prove it to you. but i haven't changed . the only thing that changes is what i project to the world, but if you really know me, that should be of no relevance to you. i really appreciate your letter; honestly. it means the world to me...but how does the feather feel when the flying elephant writes her to say she's his reason for living? you will always be great. and i will not always be there. but i'm glad we at least intersected...


I fear...

Fear not!

We’ve been getting some emails and been reading some comments from kids who are scared that all the exposure we are getting on MTV this week will change who we are and ruin us. I just want to take a minute to put all your worries at ease: No matter what, we will not change, and we will not forget about our fans—especially the ones that have been there from the start. Yes, we may get busier, yes more people may start to know us, but the thing that makes us who we are—being grounded, being real, and being connected to our fans, will not change (nor will our self-deprecating sense of humor). I’ve been touring since I was 17. I’ve seen the ups and downs, and I’m neither impressed by success, nor discouraged by failure. I play music because I love it, and it’s amazing to be able to have people be excited about our music. But it is not lost on me for even a second that the only reason I am able to do this for a living is because of the support I get from you guys. I never forget and I am eternally grateful. That is why I stand out in the cold for hours after our shows to make sure that I meet every single person who came to our show and wants to say hi, that’s why we booked a tour at tiny intimate venues instead of bigger ones with barricades and huge, far-away stages, and that is why we kept our ticket prices so low. (of course however, good intentions often yield regrettable, negative consequences: for example, because the venues were small and the tickets were cheap, a lot of the shows sold out quickly. But all we can do in these situations is try our best to do right by our fans).

It’s amazing to get some recognition after making music for 10 years, but I know that recognition comes and goes real quick. And for me, the most important thing is to stay who I am, not only for the sake of the people who have supported me, but for my own sake: because after all this is done, if I don’t have myself to go back to--if I am solely defined by my (ephemeral) status and success, and am not connected to my true self—then I’m fucked.

I know what it’s like to watch a band that was my little secret, and with whom I felt a personal connection, get bigger and become the flavor of the week for people who I thought didn’t TRULY understand the band, and thus didn’t deserve to be a fan. But then I realized that it wasn’t fair of me to judge the new fans . . . because I was a new fan once too. And just because someone was younger, didn’t mean that he didn’t have the right to be a fan and to understand the band in his own way.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that if we get bigger, it’s only because you guys have been supporting us and telling all your friends about us. And if word about us spreads to beyond your friends, and Cobra becomes huge, you should take pride in that. Because in truth, it’s you who made that happen. Lots of bands have great songs. Very few bands have great fans. And we are lucky enough to be one of them. So thank you guys for all you’ve given us.

To an amazing New Year with joy health and cobra love to all!

Cobra Bless,

My own personal SUN.


I keep my jealousy close,
Cause it's all mine.
And if you say this makes you happy,
Then I'm not the only one lying.





Please stand by, we've come so far. Four years, we survived the ride that turned us inside out.
Repeat after me, just scream and shout "It was the best of times from broken homes and battle scars to where we are."
Graduate, paper chase, we'll get out of this place, don't turn around. Hit the highway, pour some liquor out for this town, now thats all for us, its last call drink up.
Roll it out, its over now. we're the cast-outs with messed up friends who never did fit in
Don't care where it ends, it doesn't matter now, as long as we're one, we'll take the next bus
Destination: Setting sun
This is an open invite for all to attend. Don't ask too many questions now, don't tell us how it ends, because we're the ones who wrote the end.

Agus, ésta es nuestra canción, definitivamente, no puedo parar de comprobarlo cada vez que la escucho. Se llama paper chase, de The Academy Is...
Escuchala cuando leas esto.


Qué es esa cabeza?

Feliz cumpleaños, Brendon Boyd. Genio.
Pick Your Artist: The All- American Rejects

Are you male or female: Damn Girl
Describe yourself: One More Sad Song
How do you feel about yourself: My Paper Heart
Describe where you currently live: Real World
If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Back To Me
Your favourite form of transportation: Night Drive
Your best friend is: She Mannequin
Your favourite colour is: Fembot (????????????????????????????????)
What's the weather like: The Wind Blows.
Favourite time of day: 11:11 PM
If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: Fallin' Apart
What is life to you: Gives You Hell
What is the best advice you have to give: Why Worry
Your favourite food is: I Wanna
Thought for the Day: Girl Of My Dreams
How I would like to die: Stab My Back
My soul's present condition: Breakin'


You deserve the stars.

"I kept almost nothing of you around. It made me sick to see those things. I bought a hard drive and moved every picture and video and hid them away in the bottom of a box. I took the painting you painted for me and wrapped it in tissue, you wanted me to have those painted flowers forever, and now, never again. I took the book, the cd and the shirt I ordered because I wanted to always feel like I was supporting you, even when my money didn't matter, and put them in the bottom of that box also. I left every card, every flower, every picture frame, ever ticket stub from every movie we ever saw, I left the ticket stub from our first date, I left the ticket stub from our last date hours before I left you and the time you pulled me closer and told me Billy Joel was singing "she's got a way" just for me. I left everything you ever gave me. I only took the very first love letter you ever wrote me, the one where you promised to never hurt me, where you told me how lucky you felt to be loved by me, and in it promised me the world.

I moved this week and I found that box. I was wondering how it would feel to see those things again. It felt terrible. "

God, Kelts, me partís, no puedo saber que estás mal!


Do as I say not as I do.



"Chicos, por qué hay bafles en el curso?"

"Chicos, por qué los Jonas Brothers están tocando en el curso?"

"Chicos, por qué está Bill Gates dando una conferencia en el curso?"

"Chicos, por qué están construyendo una bomba nuclear?"

"Chicos, por qué están mandando un cohete al espacio? -necesitan permiso para eso-"

"Chicos, por qué esta S.W.A.T entrando por la ventana del curso?"

"Chicos, por qué trajeron armas a la escuela?"

"Chicos, por qué está el cadáver de la directora en el curso?"

"Chicos, qué hacen?"

"Chicos, por qué no está mas el techo del curso?"

"Chicos, por qué está la selección argentina de rugby en el curso?"

"Chicos, por qué se está jugando el mundial de futbol en el curso?"

"Chicos, por qué está la presidenta en el curso?"

"Chicos, por qué está Elvis Presley en el curso?"

"Chicos, por qué está John Lennon en el curso? No se había muerto?"


And you, agus

creo que no hace falta aclarar quelo de abajo lo escribi exclusivamente para uqe lo leas vos, no sé, vos sabés. (?)
Creo que después de los mensajes de ayer sabrás a lo que me refiero, te juro, te juro que es verdad lo que dije, y no les importa que seamos de acá, aunque no seamos de acá, y ellos tampoco sean de allá (?).
Vas a ver que cuando vengan los extraterrestres a llevarnos a su planeta, van a ser todos Brendons y Ryans y Spencers y Jons - obvio que no como ellos, en ningún lado hay como ellos - pero bastante parecidos, y ahí si, ahí seremos felices :D
Y si los extraterrestres se olvidan de venirnos a buscar -imaginate que no somos las únicas que queremos que nos lleven ... - ya sabemos que hacer.
Ni bien terminemos nuestras carreras nos iremos a donde pertenecemos, if you know what i mean. Si, yo me voy, vos venís conmigo, cualquiero cosa si no nos sirve lo uqe sea que hayamos estudiado hacemos un blog como perez hilton y nos dedicamos a eso, o nos hacemos mejores amigas de britney y nos vamos a vivir con ella...
o nos hacemos "amigas" - AMIGAS NADA MAS EH 8-) - de no sé ALGUNA banda de las vegas que tenga cuatro integrantes cuyos nombres empiecen con "B", "R", "J" o "S".

Vos sabés, yo sé.
Vamos juntas, como siempre

And you can... we can
no te olvides quienes somos nosotras :)
-y además yo soy super chica, eso ayuda, jajaja-
Te amo, mucho, más de lo que pensás, you know.



Mis zapatos de viejo son lo más, no me importa lo que digan (?) mentira, los odio y son mas incomodos que caminar con piedras en los pies.



hola si, no voy a ser seria como vos en la mayoria de tus posteos (y no me cabe escribir con acentos/tildes/como quieras llamarlo, asique bancatela) asique nose viste nose te amo y no quiero que me faltes nunca y nose y skjdfkljllñsklfb y estas leyendo esto asique nose- vas aver qeu no se sale de los costados ;);););) teamoccccccccccconecillo de indias- fraicas porto do todo todootododotodoodtodtot(L)



And i don't want the world to see me...

Cause i don't think that they'd understand.



Cualquier semejanza con la realidad es mera coincidencia.

El buzón es mio, y el letrero también
El globo azul, el mes de Abril
Es mio mio mio mio mio
Los dulces de Ziggie
El canto de pájaro es mio
Todas las calles y también tus pies
Y todo lo que dije es mio
Todo pertence a mi
Todo lo que puedo ver
Oeste, Norte y Sur
Yo acaricio, lo que es mio
Soy Stinky y soy mio
(Y esta intervención musical, también es mia)
El suelo y el techo es mio
Tus sentimientos también
Nunca lo olvidesm todo lo que veas
Es mio mio mio mio mio
(Que quede claro, es mio)



Mi video preferido, me hace reír tanto.